Friday, December 25, 2009

God Became Man

Christianity has the most wonderful faith in the world. No other faith teaches that, "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son" (John 3:16). No other faith has dared to presume such a thing. Yet, this is not a presumption of Christianity, but rather God revealed His true power in His love for us. It is not by Man's will, but His heavenly will. He does not shrink back from us because of our sins, but rather He has overcome our sins! Because of this, we do not have to shrink back from Him. Rather, He has made Himself "Love" for us. Worship is no longer a burden, but becomes an opportunity for adoration. We get to be in the relationship of (adoring) love with God! When loved by God, we are strengthened to be witnesses for Christ and live the Christian virtues. We become an opportunity of faith, hope and love for others. We have an opportunity to be the person we want to be; to become saints. Not destined to be ok, or to slide through heavens gate just in time. No. With the help and love of God, we are destined for greatness! Thank God He took the time to think of us in kindness! Thank God the "Word became flesh"! (John 1:14)