Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Atheism Abandoning Logic

The period of the "Enlightenment" and atheism promised to show how faith, particularly faith in Jesus the Christ is illogical. They proposed to do this by clear objective scientific proof and good logic in coming to a clear conclusion that there is no God. I like a good debate and a challenge toward truth. If God exists, then he exists and I would be a fool not to accept this if it is true. In the same way, if God does not exist and I turn a blind eye to something that is obviously not true, I would be a fool. A scientist is not being forceful just because he states his findings that water freezes at 32 degrees. He may think one is a fool for saying it is not true simply because I choose not to believe it, and the scientist would be right. However, the enlightenment has had two hundred years to prove their point and they have failed. After such a time and finding that their logic has failed, they have come to a different tactic; emotions. All truth is no longer based on objective truths found in concrete science, but rather in fleeting emotions. "Quick! cover your eyes, maybe nobody will see!" I am not trying to force somebody to believe, I just think it is foolish to deny logic, just because the outcome is not to ones liking. True clear and critical thinking demands that one look at truths we do not like. That is how civilization grows. So what happens when a society rejects this logic and replaces it with of all things, mere emotions?


Anonymous said...

So what is your evidence for god?

FSM_Ed said...

FSM_Ed said...

0 comments? At least none you are brave enough to allow posted.

FSM_Ed said...


Fr. Timothy Barr said...

There are many proofs of the existence of God, but I will give the one that i have not had a critique on to disprove the thought. It is one of the proofs by St. Thomas Aquinas, but is usually twisted around to mean something slightly diffirent.
It starts with creation. How did creation come about? Science always looks for an answer. How does water freeze? As a people, we use this information to benefit society. Hence, we have refrigerators. In the issue of creation, we know there must be a cause since science teaches us there is a cause for everything. Now when it comes to inanimate objects, they cannot move themselves. It needs something outside of itself to start the motion. ie: if a pencil is put on the desk, it will remain there until an outside force moves it. Now let's take the Big Bang Theory, if everything that exists now was an infinitely small dot, what could have ignited the big bang, since all of matter was in the infinitely small dot. It makes sense that that object would have to be something that is not a material object. It also makes sense thet the object was not inanimate, because it cannot move itself. Since this object can move itself, it must be a living being. We call that god. Another proof of God shows that it is some sort of intelligent being with designs in mind. But I have too short of space here. If you see a fault in this reasoning, let me know. God Bless you. (It means good will for those who are atheists)

Fr. Timothy Barr said...

Sorry, I have learned not to allow jusy any comment because some people may pur bad language on. I do enjoy a challenge. So if there is a ligitimate concern amidst the bad language I do take the liberty to edit out some of that. If there is a stump question, I will be happy to post it. I did not mean it to be an offense. After all, I am a priest. God Bless you (Godd will in religious talk)